Don't spend your life skipping through to try and find that certain song, just listen to the music along the way and hope you come across it. --- This is actually one of mine. I was just sitting on the bus one day, and I was flipping through my music and not really enjoying all of it. I was trying to find a certain song that I had no idea what the name was or the band, and I all of a sudden thought about how pointless it was to just waste all of that time trying to find something in particular. Then I thought about how that's kind of similar to life, how you shouldn't go through your life looking for love or a certain someone. You should just life your life and hope you come across it :)
I hate missing you, but I love having you to miss.
If you love them, tell them, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

When you feel embarrassed, I'll be your pride. When you need directions, I'll be the guide--- This line is from a *terrific* song by the band Death Cab for Cutie. It's called Passenger Seat. This band is an indie rock band, and their sound is amazing, including their lyrics. Check them out :)
I am the author of my life. Unfortunately, I am writing in pen, and I cannot erase my mistakes.
I wish I could give you all of my firsts, all I can offer you is all of my lasts-- I actually found this off Craigslist a really long time ago.
I think that's good for a starter :) I am SO excited to do this daily, as well as talk about my favourite music
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